Page Design - Backgrounds

Backgrounds - are very useful to set the mood of a page or a site. You can use straight color or an image in the background of your page. Utmost care needs to be taken when choosing a background, it must complement the images and particularily the text. There are many example of poor background election where the text of the page is virtually unreadable.

As an example these pages make use of plain colour. Darker colours for the menus with complementing colours for the pages. When printing HTML documents the viewer has the option through the browser to either print or not print backgrounds. This is important when designing a page especially where images and text have been specifically set up for a certain background colour or image.

A black background with gold text A blue background with black text A white background with grey text


An black and white image used as a background with black text. Note how hard it is to read!  

A light grey image with black text A sky image tiled six times with black text.