Chicago's Cryin'

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SRV Gig Database Cross-reference (Click to check date(s) in the SRV Gig Database)

Chicago's Cryin' - Montreux Jazz Festival, Montreux, Switzerland, 15jul85,
     and Chicago Blues Festival, Grant Park, IL, 7jun85
     [no visible label] (11 tracks) (CD-R format, producer unknown)
     Montreux - (tracks 1-7), Chicago - (tracks 8-11)
     With Johnny Copeland (tracks 4-7)
     Probably a copy of Stevie Played A Little Blues, same track listing.
     <track#/title>                     <time>  <notes>
     1> Ain't Gone 'n' Give Up On Love
     2> Pride And Joy
     3> Mary Had A Little Lamb
     4> Cold Shot
     5> Don't Stop By The Creek Son
     6> Tin Pan Alley
     7> Look At Little Sister
     8> Testify
     9> Say What
    10> Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)
    11> Come On