Illegal Fowl - Season 3 - Episode 25

Deputy Sheriff Mike more than loves his 1965 T-Bird; it was his father's treasure and he is beyond sentimental about the ride. His wife Stephanie works as an insider for Overhaulin' as Chris, Chip and the team at ACS grab the Thunderbird and decide to make the hardtop into a roadster. It's a big job if you have a while to pull it off; it's sheer madness to try in a week. But never underestimate the drive of Foose and the A-Team.

As car work goes on, Mike is trying to track down his ride. When first obtained, Chris and company helped Mike out after the car wouldn't start (thanks to Chris and company.) Posing as tow operators, the pranksters “misplace” the precious T-Bird throughout the week, with the worst moment for Mike occurring as he is told that the car is about to be mistakenly crushed. Mike races to the crushing location, seeing a similar T-Bird ruined, thinking it is his car before matters are cleared up by pranksters Chris, A.J. and Art. Mike reaches the end of his rope just as Chip and the team finish the Ford. It's an emotional reunion for Deputy Sheriff Mike and his father's fully reinvented '65 T-Bird roadster.

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